Up Coming Free Nutrition Classes

Thurs. Feb 5th at 6:30pm Deceptively Delicious Sweets
2002 Winchester DR, TEMPLE TX

ues, Feb 24: at Physician's Plaza 1055 N 300 W, Ste 110, Provo
"Eating Right in the Whole World"

Tues, Mar 10: Endurance Athletics 735 N Main St, Spanish Fork
"Powered by Greens: Green Smoothies 101"

Back Yard Boutique Sat. March 7th 9-12noon
2002 Winchester Dr, Temple TX

Tues, April 14: Physician's Plaza 1055 N 300 W, Ste 110, Provo
"Eating Right in the Real World: Spring clean your Pantry"

Tues, May 12: 1975 Riverbottom Rd, Springville
"Eating Right in the Real World: Spring clean your Pantry"

Monday, January 3, 2011

new year!!

its that time again, a new year! 2011!! its hard to not get caught up in all the new years resolutions, some how the slogan "NEW YEAR, equals a NEW and some how better YOU!
honestly i do believe new years resolutions are good, its a great way to improve ourselves and why not set new goals. HOWEVER, we need to remember that we don't need a NEW YEAR to change, we just need to give ourselves a new chance, a new start.
so my NEW YEARS resolution is to give each day a new fresh start. if by 4 o'clock today i cave and eat a brownie, i'm not going to give up, for tomorrow is a new day and a new start. and as they say i'm gonna get back on the wagon no matter how many times i fall off!
while at church yesterday i heard this quote and it has resonated with me ever since.
"people change, when the pain of staying the same,
becomes more painful than the pain of actually changing."
a little heavy but i believe its true. we decide to change when we realize that staying the same is hurting us more than helping us, and making a change as hard as it may be. will be better for us and less painful than simply staying the same. i also like this quote because it allows us to admit that change is hard, it really is.
so as this NEW YEAR has come what are your NEW resolutions?? i will list mine because i do want this blog to be honest and i want to be accountable for myself, i also want to change who i currently am....not a lot,
just to become a better version of my current self.
1. enjoy each day for what it is, be present, not always counting down the days
til such and such occurs.
2. eating less sugar.
i'm a total sweet tooth, literally, i had to get a crown on my tooth from all the sweets i eat. so my plan of attack is to only eat sugar on the weekends, sat/sun. this way i still get to get some (all things in moderation) and i can have a weight watchers fudge bar if i really need to.
(they are only 1pt, but super delicious) see how i really have to set realistic goals, i don't want to sabotage myself, i want to succeed but again i need boundaries, changing is hard.
3. i really enjoy running...well for the most part i tell myself i do:)
but since the twins/bedrest/age, and one too many ding-dongs i've become slower than i'd like to be. over the next couple months i will do speed workouts to get faster. i'm not going to say a certain speed because i just want to be as fast as i can get...
who knows, that could be a 6min mile? hum. currently i run a very consistent 10min mile, and there is nothing wrong with that i just want to see if i can get any faster.
4. reading scriptures each night, as much as i want to improve physically, i know that life and happiness doesn't lie in what i or others see in the mirror.
5. love my husband as much as possible, and remember how unique it is to find love and
be in love.
6. be a great example to the twinners, and teach them as much as i can.
since they are only 8months i'm going to focus on sign language, reading books, and teaching them to eat healthy from the start. i am so grateful to be a mom and i want to express my gratitude for the amazing opportunity to simply be a mom, by being the best mom i can.
7. increase myself confidence.
when i was training for my last marathon i had a mantra i would chant to myself.
mantra literal means "a group of words capable of creating transformation."
maybe i'll share that special mantra with you at another time. but i need to increase my self image and the best way i have found to do that is through positive self talk.
i have a lot of changing to do, and even more than i listed but i believe this is a good start.
they say actually writing down your goals increases your chance of success, and sharing your goals with someone increase your ability to stay committed and achieve them even more.
so there you have it, i wrote them down and i shared
them with the 4 maybe 5people who read this:)
good luck with your resolutions and february we'll see how we did for the month!!

1 comment:

  1. I made my goals out with my primary class a few weeks ago. Some of mine are the same as yours-- guess moms everywhere share similar goals! : )
