1. sweets only on the weekends: i'll be honest i'm 50% there which is better than not even close but i have to daily...well hourly remind myself not to eat those chocolate chips hiding in my cupboard.
2. enjoy each day for what it is: i think thats probably the easiest one for me right now. as my babies are getting bigger each day, i really want to soak up every minute.
3. enjoy running and get faster: still working on it. i do enjoy it, maybe too much and thats why i haven't gotten faster cause i'm too busy looking at the birds and the trees and thinking about life. but i've got a schedule and wednesdays are now going to be my new speed days.
4. reading the scriptures: i've done good, but family came in town last week and i completely slacked off, so i gotta get back on track today!!
5. love my husband: EVERYDAY, i wish i could see him more. i always feel like i don't see him enough, but i'm sure every wife feels that way.
6. be an example for the twins: i'm trying really hard, and i realize that they are super observant right now and i want to make sure i be my best self at all times. so its a good reminder to make sure i behave at all times.
7. increase my self-confidence: i have been repeating my mantra, but somehow the number on the scale still seams to dictate how the day goes....i gotta fix that....and i gotta do my part to change the number on the scale.
like most of you i do best with a check list and a schedule so here is my new check list. i have written out what exercises i want to do for the week. when i accomplish them, i will remove them from the white board. then at the end of the week i can see what i really did.
my ideal schedule will go as follows, i share all of this because i know if you don't schedule it, it really won't happen. so i hope some of you will make yourself an exercise calendar so we can get fit together.
Mon: run 3, resistance class at 24hr fitness 630pm...go no matter what, even if the babies need me
Tues: run 4, p90x 15min abs
Wed: 4pm go to 24hr fitness check the twins into the kido class and do speed workout. this month warm-up .25mile then run .5mile at 8:45pace and repeat until a total of 3miles are run. also copy my super fit sister-in-law and sweat on the stair climber for another 10mins. this will be about 50mins and i think the twins can handle that.
Thurs: run 3, p90x 15min abs
Fri: spin, p90x 15min abs
Sat: run 6
sounds simply enough...wish me luck i'll let you know how the week goes!!! remember keep up the good work on your own new year resolutions....and its ok to re-start!!
I love your idea of making a schedule for the week's workouts. I gotta get me a white board!! How do the girlies do at day care?!? Owen LOVES it!