Up Coming Free Nutrition Classes

Thurs. Feb 5th at 6:30pm Deceptively Delicious Sweets
2002 Winchester DR, TEMPLE TX

ues, Feb 24: at Physician's Plaza 1055 N 300 W, Ste 110, Provo
"Eating Right in the Whole World"

Tues, Mar 10: Endurance Athletics 735 N Main St, Spanish Fork
"Powered by Greens: Green Smoothies 101"

Back Yard Boutique Sat. March 7th 9-12noon
2002 Winchester Dr, Temple TX

Tues, April 14: Physician's Plaza 1055 N 300 W, Ste 110, Provo
"Eating Right in the Real World: Spring clean your Pantry"

Tues, May 12: 1975 Riverbottom Rd, Springville
"Eating Right in the Real World: Spring clean your Pantry"

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

detox week 1

detox 101.  i really should have been journaling each day, but i have a hard time finding time...don't we all.  so here is a day to day so far on the detox.  i want to be open and honest, so people curious enough to actually try it will know exactly what to expect.  the good, the bad, the laughs, the cries, the highs and lows.

day prior to starting:
just like suggested i bought all the food from the shopping list the day before.  the shopping list was super easy and so handy.  this is the first detox that i have seen that actually has a shopping list and not just recipes.  i walked down the isle and bought 8 tomatoes, 3 onions, etc, just as the list said.  the total cost for 7 days of food was $50.  i thought this was pretty cheap for a whole weeks of food and for all of it being organic and raw produce.  people always complain that its too expensive to eat whole foods, but its not, i think it just takes more planning.
then i sorted all the food.  i have 2 other detox buddies, my mom and my sister.  We decided that i would buy all the food and sort it and they would just pay me back.  We met up later that day to chop up all the ingredients for our upcoming meals.  Total prep time was about 2hrs, which was 20min per meal, again totally manageable and all the prep was done for the week.  If you are wanting the recipes and meals you can buy the manual at www.mygsglife.com/carly under books.

DAY 1-2: i was super excited and ready to start the detox.  i believe anytime you are making a big change in your life you need to know WHY.  my why is to lose weight! and to stop eating food that is bad for me.  when i finish the detox i want to keep eating whole foods for the rest of my life and my families.  
HOW I FELT: the day started great, but as it went on i felt shakey and dizzy.  i didn't feel hungry because we were eating foods, it was healthy whole foods, no sugar.  i asked my counter part and she said it was because my body was so used to the sugars.  i was nervous that i got myself into something that i wouldn't be able to handle.  this is when its great to have a detox buddy because my buddies stepped in and told me they felt the same, but that we could do it together.  also listening to the seminars that come with the detox support program were very helpful.  the seminars gave me great pointers and some need info on why detox is a good thing for the mind and body.
 i counted the hours down to bed, because all i could think about were chips and salsa.
HARDEST PART: cooking for the kids, was the hardest part.  i realized how often i toss a piece of this or that in my mouth while i prepare their meal.  or finishing their last piece of something.  it was really interesting to realize that i am not aware of how much food i toss in my mouth in the name of cooking. 
BEST PART:  the best part was that i did it.  i went the whole day without eating any sugar or anything that wasn't outlined on the detox plan for day 1.  it made me feel just as confident, secure and successful as running a marathon.   interesting how when you get a little self control it can pole volt to an immense amount of self control!

DAY 3-5:  feeling much better.  more energy and i lost 4lbs!!  i have been doing weight watchers and killing it in the gym 6days a week but only losing .5lb a week if i'm lucky.(yet i still have 20lbs to get back to my normal weight) when i saw the number on the scale i knew the last couple days were so worth it!  it gave me what i needed to keep going.
HOW I FELT: i felt finally in control of food.  two days before i was tempted by every food item i saw or that was place before me.  I even went to the movie and brought my baked potato with me so i wouldn't get hungry or be tempted to eat yucky movie popcorn or a soda.  i normally bring food to the movie, but normally its candy or soda.  
HARDEST PART: again the hardest part was just keeping to the specific menu plan and not altering it.  not being tempted to eat something i wasn't suppose to.  I wasn't able to sleep very well, but i believe it was because i had a lot on my mind and i don't think i was drinking enough water.  we all shared a great laugh because i asked my mom how she was feeling and she said, "i'm about to murder someone."  of course she was just kidding but she was having a hard time, and a hard day.  she typically drinks 32oz of diet coke a day, and all sorts of stuff on the road as she drives a lot for her job.  she also lost her job and typically like most of us when things get crazy or stressful we eat our feelings.  I'm really proud of my mom because she didn't kill anyone and she didn't give up.  
BEST PART:  when the day is done, i am feeling so amazed that i have been able to keep myself motivated and to continue with the specific guidelines.  

 click here to learn more about this specific detox program.  it is only available on line at https://mygsglife.com/carly you can become a preferred customer and get 10% by going to this link https://mygsglife.com/carly

DAY 6-7:  feeling so suprised that i feel so great!  i lost 7lbs!  so glad to have lost the weight now i just keep thinking i need to keep doing what is right so i can keep it off.  i really want to lose at least another 5lbs...is that too greedy? is that realistic?  the average weight lose in the detox is 12lbs i want to at least be average don't i?  people keep asking me how its going.  and i'm having a hard time explaining exactly how it is going.  its not as hard as the first couple days, but i do remember how hard those first couple days were, is it really getting easier to make healthier choices?  i keep telling people, "i feel surprisingly great!"  but why am i surprised?  i know that when i eat better i feel better, but i believe for the first time in my life i'm actually connecting all the dots. 
HOW I FELT: i started to feel skinny.  i'm still far from my normal typical 150lb weight but on sunday i actually felt skinny.  i haven't felt skinny in 18months.  basically right before my last pregnancy.  i also felt completely and oddly satisfied.  i didn't feel the need or mental desire to eat.  i was ok with my green smoothie detox shake and i felt great.  i'm so grateful to be on a program that is helping me no longer be a victim to food.  i no longer get to be controlled by the food that is placed in front of me, i finally have will power to make great choices.  also it helps that the food is prepped and ready to go, there is no excuse, my fridge is now my own fast food restaurant. 
HARDEST PART:  the hardest part is looking forward to next week menu on the detox, there isn't anything exciting.  meaning none of my old 'go to foods" are on the list.  but i am motivated and ready to keep going.  excited to add bread and nuts back into the menu.
BEST PART: best part is that i'm 7days down and doing great!  losing weight, gaining confidence, enjoying my food journey.  i also took a full body scan that showed me my weight, body fat, muscle composition and bmi.  of course i still have a lot of work to do, but i have lost 40lbs since my last body scan in april and my body fat is down 6.6%, the analysis states from my last scan in april 2014 that i've lost 25.1lbs of fat and gained 10.0lbs of muscle.  obviously i still have a lot of work to do.  but we are all a work in progress right?  i'm really hoping by this april i will be back to 'normal for me' body fat and weight. 

come back next monday for my review of my 2nd week of detox phase two.  weight lose is suppose to slow down and a journal of any food reactions.  

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