Up Coming Free Nutrition Classes

Thurs. Feb 5th at 6:30pm Deceptively Delicious Sweets
2002 Winchester DR, TEMPLE TX

ues, Feb 24: at Physician's Plaza 1055 N 300 W, Ste 110, Provo
"Eating Right in the Whole World"

Tues, Mar 10: Endurance Athletics 735 N Main St, Spanish Fork
"Powered by Greens: Green Smoothies 101"

Back Yard Boutique Sat. March 7th 9-12noon
2002 Winchester Dr, Temple TX

Tues, April 14: Physician's Plaza 1055 N 300 W, Ste 110, Provo
"Eating Right in the Real World: Spring clean your Pantry"

Tues, May 12: 1975 Riverbottom Rd, Springville
"Eating Right in the Real World: Spring clean your Pantry"

Monday, December 15, 2014

Guess Spot by: train.eat.repeat, Amy Tenney!

I am so honored to have Amy @train.eat.repeat do a guest post for me today!  She is super talented and the best yoga instructor in America!  Yes that's right America!  Amy and I met while our husbands attended  MidWestern University in Glendale, AZ.  She helped me through some rough times while I was pregnant with the twins.  She stopped by once a week to check on me.  Helped me stay sane after they were born.  And though we haven't seen each other in over 3 years she still is a close friend and is very supportive with my adventure in green smoothies and blogging.  Thanks again AMY!

So What’s the Deal with Yoga Anyway?
Amy Tenney, Yoga Teacher, Triathlete, Wife and Momma.

Sure, Yoga Handstands look awesome on Instagram, but you can certainly enjoy yoga without them.   Don’t let all those extra bendy, upside down photos that scare you away from trying yoga, or staying with it, or trying it again.  If you can breathe, you can do yoga.  Seriously.  Yoga means to “yoke” or “unite.”  We unite our breathe with our movement, our body with mind and soul.  I thought about what I could offer you, dear readers, as both a yoga teacher and lifelong student and all I could come up with is HONESTY.  So here we go:

Does it stink in HOT yoga? 
Sometimes, yes.  I live in El Paso so the aroma of my evening class resembles green chilies from time to time.  Haha.  Whatever you’re eating, you’re sweating out its aroma.   How’s that for motivation to clean up your diet?

Will we end the class frolicking in a circle and throwing flowers?
Ummmm, no.  When I started teaching at a Crossfit gym, the owner really asked me this.  For some, yoga is a spiritual journey. For some it’s a lifestyle. For other’s it’s strictly a workout.   Many take a few pieces from all these elements. 

I tried Yoga—ugg!  I know I need it, but seriously, I couldn’t concentrate.  I hate it. 
If you don’t like the vibe of one class, try out another one.  Maybe my style isn’t right for you, but maybe there’s a different style, a different teacher you connect with.   Yoga ranges from the restorative and meditative (often labeled: Hatha, Yin or Restorative) to the dynamic, sweat your guts out challenging (Vinyasa Flow, Power, Hot, Ashtanga).  From the music choices to the pace of the class, you need to find something you enjoy.

Is Yoga just for thin bendy girls?
No!  Emphatically no!  I actually have more male students than female, and every body type.  I work with our local high school football and baseball teams.  These athletes found yoga helped with injury prevention, flexibility and focus.   My Crossfit and runner friends agree.  As a triathlete, I've found yoga helps me recover faster to hit my next workout harder.  For the non-athlete, curious and skeptical about yoga, the invitation remains.   Find a style and teacher that meshes with your personality and goals. 

Do I have to be vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian to REALLY be a yogi?  Do I have to give up sugar and happiness?
Find your personal balance between food and fitness.  What works for me might not work for you.  I love fresh vegetables and fruit.  I incorporate as much wholesome food as I can and hydrate well.  That being said, I went hiking one morning and did yoga at the summit.  While standing in tree pose, I had an epiphany:  I love “Macadamia Lacey’s” from Trader Joes and I’m not going to apologize for it!!!  It’s a thin caramel/macadamia/chocolate creation that I absolutely love.  I’m not going to tell you what to eat.  I will tell you that the food we fuel our bodies with makes an impact mentally and physically; so figure out the best way to take care of yourself.

When we honor our bodies and the movement available to us, we learn to appreciate our abilities, limitations, flaws and possibilities.  We strive for progress and find joy in the journey.   Namaste! 

You can follow Amy and all her amazing moves on instagram @train.eat.repeat 
She is an amazing athlete and great cook and an exceptional friend and Mother!!


  1. Amen! I love Amy and her ability to love and work with everyone. As her sister-in-law and friend I have run a marathon with her and I appreciate her support in all of my life's adventures. Yoga is next on the bucket list!

  2. I didn't realize the variety of yoga out there- thanks Amy and Carly. Feel very intrigued and inspired to try it out!

  3. I'm going to check out classes in my area, thanks for the inspiration to try it:)
