Why Burpees?
Burpees. Just the name sounds awful, right? I get asked by clients, readers, and family members alike why I put them in so many of my workouts. I KNOW they are hard. I KNOW they suck. I KNOW you would rather not do them. But, guess what? They are great. That is WHY. Here is why else…
- They elevate your heart rate, helping to increase your caloric burn
- They work your legs
- They work your core
- They work your arms
- Yep. They work everything.
That is why. Just so you know…They actually do get easier with time and practice. So maybe you should stop complaining about them, and just try to master them. 
Oh, and if you are confused as to what a burpee is…It goes a little something like this.
If you are looking for a way to get your burp on, try adding a set of 10-15 in between sets while you are lifting weights. You will turn your rockin’ workout into a rockin’ circuit workout that I promise will have you sweating and burning!
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