this week was a pretty good week for me!! besides the fact that my little twinners turned 1yrs old this week (you can read all about that
here ) i am trying to get ready for a
huge bike race i
little red ridding hood! its a girl only bike ride and it should be super fun i'm excited to be headed back to utah and enjoy all the good
summer triathlons, running races, and friends!! but also a little bummed to be moving from the
sunshine state of arizona, i can't believe its been three years already!! i'm really going to miss the friends i made here in az, our running groups, our spin group, and so many of us all in the familiar boat of having our husbands in medical school...and all the blah that goes with med school hubbies.
so with the days counting i tried to make this week count with every workout and it went like this:
mon: spin 50min
tues: run 4miles
wed: spin 50min
thurs: run 3miles
fri: run 3miles
sat: biked 18miles with an ave pace of 18mph. it was a great ride & i feel stronger than i have in a long time.
sun: off
i got a little bummed because my free
24hour fitness pass expired since i had to tell them i am moving and relocating to utah...they will only let you have a free pass if you are an active employee, i had to do the paperwork to transfer my employee id to utah...i won't become active until i teach again which could be who know how long:( especially since the nearest 24hr fitness gym is 45min drive....but i'm hoping to get hired at a different gym and start teaching and getting free stuff asap. so besides that, this week i really tried to work my butt off and get ready for some summer races.
what races are you doing???
this is a rough draft i what i'll be doing this summer: so excited for races....summer running is one thing not available in arizona!
may 7th: provo half marathon or 10k don't know if i'm ready for 13.1miles
June 4th: little red riding
June 11th: provo tri
July 4th: freedom 10k
July 7th: brown's reunion bear lake triathlon: i'm the race director for our family tri!!!
haven't really planned the rest of july/aug/sept/oct but i'm feeling the need to do another marathon!!! crazy i know!!! i'm hoping to get into st. george marathon anyone wanna sign up on my lotter ticket with me?? you can have up to 5 names entered let me know!!